Journey through Treatment Program – Cancer Resources – Elkhart, Indiana

“Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most terrifying moments of your life, then the medical industry comes at you like a whirlwind,” confided one of our clients.

Cancer Resources’ Journey Through Treatment program helps cancer patients change from being an overwhelmed, passive recipient of healthcare, to becoming an educated, proactive planner for their time in treatment.

How does this happen?

Journey Through Treatment helps the cancer patient:

  • Research and estimate their total treatment costs
  • Calculate their health insurance contribution, so that they can estimate their out-of-pocket expense
  • Investigate options for substituting the income they will lose while they are in treatment
  • Consider their regular living expenses
  • Assess their family & friend support structure
  • Then CR helps the patient design their plan for the Journey Through Treatment
  • Finally, CR can apply our strategic tools of referral, lifestyle change and direct financial support.

Contact us for more information about our Journey through Treatment Program today!


I Have Cancer – do I qualify for help?

Cancer Resources does not have financial requirements for who we will help. That’s because most people’s financial situation changed the moment they were diagnosed with cancer. In 2017, over half of the people who asked us for help had employer or personally provided health insurance. Why are so many insured people asking for help? Because most cancer patients cannot work while they are in treatment, but life’s regular living expenses don’t stop when you are diagnosed with cancer. Then add the ever growing out-of pocket costs of insurance deductibles and scores of co-pays from treatment, tests and medications, and solidly middle class families quickly find themselves financially and emotionally overwhelmed.

Who does Cancer Resources help?

  • A cancer patient who lives or works in Elkhart County
  • And who is currently receiving chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery
  • Some cancers do not require follow-up treatment, so United Cancer will help those Elkhart County cancer patients who have been diagnosed with cancer within the last 12 months.
  • If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, please do not hesitate to Any cancer patient who falls within the above criteria and is not in hospice care contact us




November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. If you don’t have symptoms or a family history, most doctors do not perform a physical check but rely solely on blood tests, so now is the time to schedule your physical.

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